Digital Twin
Traffine develops a Digital Twin business to faithfully replicate real-world events in the digital space. With expertise in handling point cloud data and 3D city models, we offer a wide range of services from data infrastructure construction to data linkage and analysis for realizing Digital Twins. Leveraging our technology and experience, we materialize our customers' visions in the digital space.
Example Project ❶
Utilization of PLATEAU Data
By utilizing data from PLATEAU, a project promoted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for 3D modeling of cities, it can be utilized for urban planning and transportation planning. In the sample, we extract and display data from Osaka among the PLATEAU data developed in 2020.

Example Project ❷
Utilization of Aerial Survey Point Cloud Data
By utilizing point cloud data (.las) acquired through aerial surveys, it can be used for building models, road models, gradient calculations, and more. In the sample, we combine point cloud data (without color information) of Hiroshima City with orthoimages to generate colorized point cloud data and visualize it.

Example Project ❸
Generation of 3D City Models
By combining aerial survey point cloud data with the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan's basic map information, it is possible to create 3D city models like PLATEAU. In the sample, we display 3D city models for some buildings of Hiroshima University.